Health Innovation Program 2025

DeepTech Alliance introduces its fourth program: Health Innovation Program 2025. The kick-off will be launched Spring 2025 and use the same format as the annual business creation programs in Advanced Manufacturing, Clean Energy and Public Utility which have been organized since 2021. “It’s hard to find areas where the Deeptech Wave of Innovation fits better … Read more

Expanding the alliance with associate partners

In DeepTech Alliance we are joining forces to unleash the full potential of European science-based innovation for global impact. To date, we have been pursuing this mission with our member organizations, corporate partners, investor partners, service providers and program participants. To widen the community of organization we work with, we are now launching a new … Read more

Deep Tech Alliance Summit 2024

Clean Energy Accelerator 2022, audience

As Deep Tech Alliance expands in terms of more member countries, corporate partners, deeptech domains, activities and programs, it continuous to re-invent itself. Starting second half of 2024, Deep Tech Alliance will run parallel programs; offering both Advanced Manufacturing and Public Utility during Oct-Nov. Instead of closing each program with a Summit, a stand-alone physical … Read more

Deep Tech Alliance goes Public Utility

Deep Tech Alliance introduce its third program: Public Utility Program 2024. The kick-off will be hosted by the Deep Tech Alliance Member PoliHub in Milan November 5-6 and use the same format as the annual programs in Advanced Manufacturing and Clean Energy which have been organized sine 2021.  “Being a single-point-of-entry to leading deep tech ecosystems in … Read more